
How To Cheat And Not Get Caught Reddit

A husband has told of his heartbreak after he caught his wife cheating - less than two weeks after the death of their seven-month-old son.

Sharing on Reddit, the 32-year-old man said he learned that his wife, 30, had been sending illicit videos, nude photos and messages to random men.

He made the shocking discovery during a recent getaway, which they had hoped would help them get over the loss of their baby son.

But instead of lifting them in their time of need, the husband said he's now more shattered because of his wife's betrayal and his overwhelming grief.

In his post, the man - who is from the US - his son had battled with illness during his short life.

"Me and my wife have been together for nearly 11 years and married nearly three," he said.

The husband found out about his wife's betrayal less than two weeks after the death of their son. File image.
The husband found out about his wife's betrayal less than two weeks after the death of their son. File image. Credit: Kym McLeod/Getty Images

"We got pregnant last year and had our son prematurely at 26 weeks. We spent nearly seven months in the hospital with him before he finally succumbed to his lack of development nearly two weeks ago.

"While coping with that loss, my wife was pressing me to take us on a trip somewhere to just get out of the house.

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Walking past the fully stocked and unused nursery every day felt like a cruel joke.'

"Walking past the fully stocked and unused nursery every day felt like a cruel joke, so I agreed and we decided to take an impromptu trip to Florida - thinking drinks in a pool with a relaxing atmosphere would do us both good."

The husband said the trip started out well - until he overheard an unsettling conversation while she was in the bath.

"The first two days went great but on the third day I overheard her in the bathtub drunkenly tell her friend on speakerphone about flirting with someone," he said.

"This piqued my attention, as I'm sure it would anyone. What is flirting exactly? I throw the occasional comment to coworkers and stuff but it's all purely innocent and more conjecture than anything.

"So fast forward an hour and she comes stumbling in the room so I ask her about what I heard. She brushed it off and immediately went to bed.

The husband said he was shocked to see the illicit videos and photos his wife had sent to other men. File image.
The husband said he was shocked to see the illicit videos and photos his wife had sent to other men. File image. Credit: laflor/Getty Images

"I followed and tried to keep the conversation moving but she passed out. After laying there for about an hour, I couldn't get out of my own head so I broke one of my cardinal rules and went through her phone.

"We both have each other's passwords so it's not like it was a huge breach of privacy but I acknowledge that what I did was wrong.

"I wish I never did it."

The man went on to describe the X-rated videos, images and messages she had sent to various men - adding that she had been messaging with the men for the past one to two months.

'Illicit messages'

"I found illicit messages and pics on a scale I don't even get," he said.

"When compared to the date stamp, (the messages and images) match up with when we were together. Some of these were sent while we were sitting on the couch together.

"So I stew on this for a few hours and contemplate leaving right there but decide to hear her out.

"She wakes up around 4am and I ask her again about the flirting comment. She takes a solid five minutes breathing heavy and staring at the ceiling before telling me about one of the guys (I found three in total, one of whom I know from college).

"She says it's just platonic talking and maybe a little innuendo but that's it. I ask her several times if that's all she has been hiding and she says yes.

The husband said it was clear his wife had been messaging other men while their baby was sick and after he'd died. File image.
The husband said it was clear his wife had been messaging other men while their baby was sick and after he'd died. File image. Credit: Getty

"So I tell her I went through her phone. I tell her the guys' names and the pics I found. I tell her how mad I am that not only she did it, but at times she was messaging these guys while in the hospital with our infant son.

"All she can come up with is 'I'm so sorry ... I don't know why I did it.'"

He went on to say that he doesn't know if he can recover from the betrayal.

"She has agreed to go to counselling and I have agreed to accompany her to separate couples' counselling," he said.

"She has expressed that she doesn't believe in monogamy and that sex and emotions are separate to her.

"That's all well and good but they're not to me. I agreed to be with one person forever and she did too. If I had known how she felt before we got married maybe things would be different but here we are."


Reddit users were horrified by the wife's actions during the emotionally fraught time.

"I don't see how there's any way back from this," one said.

"Just with what she did alone it would be an irredeemable deal breaker for me, compound that with how she was doing this as your child is dying, and that apparently she doesn't even want to be monogamous anyway, and I'd have a hard time even being in the same country as her."

Added another: "My friend, there is no going back from this. Not only was she disrespecting you but also disrespecting the child that you two brought into this world.

"While your child was fighting for his life, she was acting frivolously and treating your family's struggle as a joke."

How To Cheat And Not Get Caught Reddit


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