
What Are The Latches Called You Hook Camera Strap With

Paw strap, cross-torso strap or harness? Here'southward what you demand to know before choosing a camera strap!

I never really gave much thought to my photographic camera strap.  I left the default yellow and blackness strap on my Nikon for years.  But after actually getting scrap by the photography bug, I decided a padded strap was in order.  So later on shooting professionally for a while and a few trips to the chiropractor for a sore neck, I realized in that location had to be a amend solution.  So what's the best camera strap?  What'south involved in choosing a camera strap? Follow forth equally I talk over the types of and merits of different camera strap styles.

Do you need a new photographic camera strap?

You don't Need a new camera strap to be a great photographer.  The one that came with your camera is perfectly serviceable.  But a different style of strap can make shooting more than comfortable, fit your shooting need better or but brand a fashion statement.  The top reason to get a new photographic camera strap is to brand long periods of carrying your photographic camera more comfortable and easier on your body.  Some styles can also suit multiple camera bodies, add some color to your on-the-task look or let you lot store memory cards in a pocket.  So you lot might non need a new camera strap, simply it'due south definitely okay to just want one!

But don't feel pressured into spending $150 on a camera strap or harness arrangement simply because everyone in your photography globe says so.  You need to notice a strap that will fit your fashion, body and budget.

Need a new camera bag?  We have some thoughts!

What materials are camera straps made of?

I decision yous'll need to make when choosing a camera strap is material.  Camera straps come in:

  • Nylon/webbing
  • Paracord
  • Leather
  • Neoprene
  • Cotton fiber

Each material has its ain advantages and disadvantages.  Generally, nylon, webbing and paracord camera straps are the cheapest and most widely available.  They are also waterproof and fairly durable.  Neoprene is besides waterproof and can provide some extra padding at contact points but can be hotter.  Leather looks classy and tin can exist super comfortable, but certain colors and weights might non stand up to the elements too.

What styles of camera straps are bachelor?

The next decision you need to make when choosing a camera strap is fashion.  Exercise you want one that goes effectually your cervix? Enables you lot to go hands free?  Or keeps your camera shut at hand?

Find a camera strap that's right for you


Neck-straps are your basic camera strap.  They attach to eyelets on either/both sides of your camera torso.  The strap goes around your neck or over a shoulder for carrying.  Some have quick release connectors so you can take off the main strap without unhooking the tethers from the eyelets.

Cervix-straps can be any material.  They are easy to find, tin can be adjusted to your desired length and are usually easy to attach.  One of the major drawbacks of cervix-straps, though, is that they put the full weight of your camera on your neck, which tin can cause physical pain.  Look for a wider strap to help distribute the weight.

Examples of traditional cervix straps:

  • Capturing Coture two" Photographic camera Strap
  • Leica Broad Saddle Leather Photographic camera Strap

Is a camera wrist strap right for you?

Wrist straps

Wrist straps connect your camera to your wrist by a string.  Near wrist straps connect at a single betoken on your camera.  These work best on smaller, lighter cameras like betoken-and-shoot cameras or smaller profile mirrorless cameras with a small lens.  They come up in many unlike materials and colors.

The 2 major disadvantages of wrist straps are that they don't work for larger DSLR cameras and they offer just a single tether point.  That means if your clip or band breaks, your camera is hit the clay.

Examples of wrist straps:

  • Peak Pattern Cuff Camera Wrist Strap
  • Wrist Strap Paracord

how to choose a camera strap

Hand straps

Hand straps are commonly made of leather or nylon.  These straps connect to your camera at two points, via an eyelet and the tripod mount.  They are a corking option if you lot want to avoid neck and shoulder hurting.  Merely they exercise have a few disadvantages, including not assuasive yous to use both hands and interfering with your tripod mount.  Hand straps can as well be awkward when using a battery grip in portrait mode.  If y'all utilize a tripod, look for a manus strap that works in conjunction with your tripod plate for easier use.

Examples of hand straps:

  • SpiderPro Paw Strap
  • ONA Kyoto leather wrist strap

Choosing a cross-body camera strap

Want other tips photography equipment basics?  We take you covered!

Cross-Body Strap

Cross-body straps are like a neck strap hybrid.  They hang on ane shoulder with the strap running across your body and connecting to your camera on the contrary hip.  The camera is hooked to the strap by a snap or screw that attaches to the tripod mount and slides on the strap.  Choose a padded shoulder area for greater comfort.

Cantankerous-body straps distribute the weight of your camera more evenly across your body.  You tin can adjust the length and then the camera swings lower or higher on your torso depending on your pinnacle.  They are a great option if traditional neck straps are painful to employ for long periods of fourth dimension.  Some cross body straps have a second strap that connects the strap from front end to back via a second strap that snugs nether your armpit for more than back up and stability.  Cross-body camera straps also give you the benefit of working hands costless if needed.

Examples of cross-torso straps:

  • Case Logic Quick Sling Cross Body Camera Strap
  • Black Rapid Curve Breathe Camera Strap

Choosing a camera strap

Shoulder Photographic camera Harness

Instead of working around your neck, a photographic camera harness uses your shoulders and back for support.  These slide on like a coat or jacket, a loop over each arm.  The camera hangs at your hip and slides back and along on a strap.

About harnesses are equipped to tether two cameras, making them invaluable for events and weddings when you desire to shoot or wear ii cameras.  These rigs are usually made of nylon or leather.  Because of the construction, y'all'll feel no pull on your neck.  Instead the weight is distributed across your shoulders and back.  Some harnesses come with a chest strap to provide additional stability and to continue the shoulder straps from slipping downwards either side.

Photographic camera harnesses are more expensive than traditional straps.  Another disadvantage is that if you are shooting only a single camera, your harness might ride to one side instead of hanging directly down.  And the tether point might interfere with your tripod mounting plate or rub on your hand when shooting in portrait style.   They can be too bulky to fit in your camera bag and getting them on and off chop-chop is a bit of a hassle.

Examples of camera harnesses:

  • HoldFast Gear MoneyMaker Two Camera Harness
  • USA Gear DSLR Photographic camera Strap Chest Harness
  • Black Rapid Breathe Double Camera Harness

choosing a camera strap - camera carriers

Chest Carrier Systems

Next upwards, camera carrier systems.  These breast harness-based systems look a little like a baby carrier.  The camera rides at the front of your chest similar a baby might.  Different a harness, the photographic camera connects to the harness through interlocking connecting plates instead of a strap.  A plate screws into your camera via your tripod attachment point.  That plate locks into a second plate on the system at your chest.  When you lot are ready to shoot, you lot simply unlock the camera from the plate and start shooting.  The carrier usually includes a few pockets for memory cards, cleaning cloths or even a rain cover.

These systems can be equipped to conduct a second photographic camera via a separate holster worn on your side.

Advantages and disadvantages

Carriers offer a few advantages over other types of camera straps.  First, the camera snugs close to your body, keeping information technology from swinging around every bit y'all move.  They are keen for photographers on the go, such as wild animals, nature, and sports photographers or photographers getting around on a horse or cycle.  Second, considering the camera rides at your chest, your hands are free to work or hold things similar hiking poles or fishing poles.  And tertiary, considering the carrier is much larger and wider than a single strap, the weight of your camera is more evenly distributed over your whole trunk.

Some of the disadvantages of a carrier organization are the cost.  Most run upward of $150 depending on the manufacturer.  They are also much more noticeable and bulky…there'due south no going incognitio with one of these things!  Some photographers report the camera riding awkwardly when using a batter grip.  And, they're hot.  Wearing i of these when I'yard shooting a wedding and moving and sweating anyway just exacerbates the problem.  Similar the shoulder harness, these are bulky strap solutions that don't fit hands in a camera handbag and take some time to go off and on.

Look for a sturdy carrier made of tough, thick textile with sturdy plastic hubs.

Case of a carrier system:

  • Cotton Carrier G3 Dual Camera Harness

If you're unsure of how much you'd truly enjoy one of the more complicated systems, visit your local camera shop and meet them in person or order from an online vendor with free returns.  Wear them around your house shooting for a while before taking them out in the field.  Y'all'll notice force per unit area points sooner and avoid damaging the camera strap should y'all demand to return it.

Camera holsters and choosing a camera strap

Camera holsters

Finally, nosotros come to our final option when choosing a photographic camera strap…camera holsters.  Instead of fastening around your breast, holsters ride on your hips.  Like a carrier, the camera connects to the holster via interlocking plates.  They look like a utility belt a carpenter, structure worker or police force officer might wear.  You can customize a holster to hold multiple cameras or a camera and additional lenses.

Holsters completely eliminate pulling on your neck, but place the weight of your camera on your hips and lower back.  You can get easily by just locking the photographic camera into the holster.

These systems are also more expensive than traditional camera straps.  It takes practice to get the camera snapped in and out of the holster quickly.   And if yous use hiking poles when out on the trail, the holster may interfere with your gait.  A final disadvantage is the harness adds width to your profile.  Be careful maneuvering in crowded areas lest ding your gear in a doorway or accept someone out with your Catechism!

Become custom!

If you lot don't encounter exactly what you are looking for in premade camera straps, consider having a custom strap made for you.  Many leathercrafters tin can customize a strap or harness to fit your style.  You can choose the pattern or take your logo, name or initials stamped or lasered onto the strap.

The additional benefit of a custom photographic camera strap is that you can audit the materials beforehand to know exactly the quality and feel of them earlier purchase.

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What to look for in any camera strap

Here are a few things to inspect when choosing a camera strap in any style.  Recollect, you're trusting this trap to hold several thousand dollars' worth of equipment.  The most expensive straps aren't necessarily the best.  But make certain the bargain strap isn't going to cost you hundreds of dollars in repairs in the long run because information technology's made from inferior materials and breaks after a few weeks utilise.

  • Check the weight limits of any strap/system y'all purchase. Make sure it's rated for your gear.
  • Cull wide straps.  The wider the strap, the more evenly the weight from the photographic camera gets distributed.  So a one i/ii" or 2" strap will generally feel more than comfortable than a narrower ane.
  • Exercise you prefer plastic snaps or buckles?  Which are easier for you to work?
  • Audit the stitching. Brand sure in that location aren't any loose threads or places on the camera strap where the stitching is pulling apart.
  • Ensure your photographic camera strap has quality metallic snaps, buckles and rivets. Don't trust your livelihood to wimpy clasps or rings.  Look for tight rivets and closed loops.  The metal should retain its shape when y'all identify stress on it.
  • If yous're choosing a leather strap or harness, look for thick, sturdy leather that doesn't easily roll up at the edges. It should be flexible but not flimsy.
  • Inspect how the photographic camera strap connects to your camera. Does it cover up your batter y panel making information technology hard to change batteries quickly?  Does it interfere with your tripod mount?  Know your style of shooting and make sure the strap will assistance, not hinder.

Be secure about your strap

In that location is no single best photographic camera strap out at that place, despite what the manufacturer's merits.  You need to take into account use, upkeep and shooting style when choosing a camera strap.  The best system for me (dual shoulder camera harness) might not be the best system for yous (hand strap).

Only what is truthful is that yous don't take to settle for the cheap strap that came with your camera.  Find a strap that fits you torso, your sense of flair or your shooting manner.


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