
Create Event On Facebook App

Do you want to Create An Event On Facebook? Facebook event is a basic feature on the Facebook platform. Well, a Facebook event is a calendar that is used to alert or inform other users on the platform for upcoming occasions. This event on Facebook is like a timer, no matter how long an occasion is it will remind you of it when is time for it. In other words, it looks like an alarm.

Create Event on Facebook

The event on Facebook can be created by anyone or any user on the Facebook platform. This feature is a unique way and process to spread information of occasions coming up because they can reach hundreds of users on the platform in a given amount of time. You can invite friends, family, groups, pages, and even fans to an event.

Create Event On Facebook

The Facebook event as a feature makes it easier for those users invited to indicate if they can attend or not. This is so because the event carries two links which are "join" and "decline". With these options, you can easily choose if you can attend the occasion or not, in doing this it gets the event creator to know whether the user plans to attend. The Facebook event has its own walls.

You as a creator of the event can use the event walls to interact with event invitees or attendees easily and also keep them posted on the event. You can easily post maps or photos of locations to make it easier for people you have invited to get to the occasion. This is why the event wall is important.

This Facebook event is very important and useful to business owners and marketers on Facebook because it helps you advertise your business and spread information about it.

Ways to Use Facebook Event for Your Brands

There are ways you can use the event features for your products on the Facebook platform. I will be out listing some ways that you use the event for your brands.

  • You can use keywords for tags.
  • People can post on your event.
  • You too can pin a post on the event wall.
  • Run Facebook ads in order to promote the event you are creating or created.
  • Invite the individuals you want as customers at the event.
  • And also updates your customers about a new brand coming up.
  • Always post a good and enticing photo that the users can easily relate to.
  • Make sure you write an understandable description.
  • These are some ways the event feature can promote your brands on Facebook.

How to Create an Event on Facebook

Creating an event on the platform is very simple and fast. Creating an event on Facebook is very simple and easy to do. You can create private and public events and below are the steps;

Private Facebook Event

  • From your news feed, click on "Events" on the left side.
  • Click on + Create Event on the left side.
  • Then click on "Create Private Event". In this option, only invited guests would be able to see the event.
  • Type in the Event name, location, date, time, and description.
  • Lastly, click on "Create".

Once the event has been created, you won't be able to change it to the public later on. You would be directed to the event where you can actually invite quests, add a cover photo or videos, upload photos, etc.

Public Facebook Event

  • Follow steps one and two from the above.
  • Click on "Create Public Event". It would be visible to anyone to see and search for it.
  • Fill in the event name, date, location, time, and description.
  • Type and select keywords about the event, so it would be better recommended to those interested in it.
  • Select who can edit and post in the event and hit on "Create".

How to Edit Event on Facebook

Editing an event on the platform is simple. To do that, follow below;

  • From your Newsfeed, click on "Events" in the left menu.
  • Select the Event you'd like to edit.
  • Click on "Edit" below the title.
  • Then change the event name, location, time, description or the co-hosts.
  • Click on "Save" once you're done.

Create Event On Facebook App


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